
Buyouts is your premier source of news, data, analysis, and interpretation of trends in the buyout industry. Published every 2 weeks, every issue has reports on new funds, fund closes, deals, exits, general partners, limited partners, deal makers, intermediaries and more.

For 25 years, Buyouts has supplied readers with comprehensive deal and fund news, personality profiles, expert analysis and a wealth of proprietary data. Our exceptional editorial pedigree and unrivalled relationships with the market’s key players ensure the most insightful commentary and analysis.

Buyouts combines all the news, features and analysis of the magazine with the functionality and performance of the web to provide a single, comprehensive research tool. This essential online service provides:

  • ⊲  AllcurrentcontentfromBuyoutsmagazine,the leading news and trend analysis service covering the private equity industry.
  • ⊲  ArchivedBuyoutscontentdatingbackto1989.
  • ⊲  AccesstoarchivedcontentfrompeHUB,providing you with the most comprehensive source of private equity market intelligence in the world, in one simple search field.
  • ⊲  A database of global M&A deals with deal tearsheets from Thomson Reuters SDC, the largest deals database in the world.
  • ⊲  Tablet-friendly digital edition with interactive spreadsheets