Page 72 - TACC 2023 Program
P. 72

Targeting Opportunity. Creating Value.argeting Opportunity. Creating Value.
                                                                         Targeting Opportunity. Creating Value.
                                                                  Targeting Opportunity. Creating Value.

          Bow River Capital  is a private alternative asset manager that was founded in 2003 and is based in Denver, w River Capital  is a private alternative asset manager that was founded in 2003 and is based in Denver,
          Colorado.  The  Bow  River  Capital  private  equity  team  is  investing  out  of  its  third  committed  fund  in olorado.  The  Bow  River  Capital  private  equity  team  is  investing  out  of  its  third  committed  fund  in
              Bow River Capital  is a private alternative asset manager that was founded in 2003 and is based in Denver,
          companies  with a  defined  market  niche  and  significant  growth  potential.  We  partner  with  strong ompanies  with a  defined  market  niche  and  significant  growth  potential.  We  partner  with  strong
              Bow River Capital  is a private alternative asset manager that was founded in 2003 and is based in Denver,
              Colorado.  The  Bow  River  Capital  private  equity  team  is  investing  out  of  its  third  committed  fund  in
          management teams and founders with a proven track record of success.agement teams and founders with a proven track record of success.
          man Colorado.  The  Bow  River  Capital  private  equity  team  is  investing  out  of  its  third  committed  fund  in
              companies  with a  defined  market  niche  and  significant  growth  potential.  We  partner  with  strong
              companies  with a  defined  market  niche  and  significant  growth  potential.  We  partner  with  strong
              management teams and founders with a proven track record of success.
              management teams and founders with a proven track record of success.
          Investment Criteria estment Criteria                    In
                                                                  Industry Focusdustry Focus
              Investment Criteria                                 Industry Focus
              Investment Criteria
                                                                        Industry Focus
                                                                  Industrial Servicesndustrial Services
          Revenue: $30 to $200 millionevenue: $30 to $200 million  Industrial Services
              Revenue: $30 to $200 million
          EBITDA: $7 to $20 millionBITDA: $7 to $20 million       Healthcare Services
                                                                  Healthcare Servicesealthcare Services
              EBITDA: $7 to $20 million
              Revenue: $30 to $200 million                              Industrial Services
                                                                  Business Servicesusiness Services
          I Investment Type: Control Recapitalizationsnvestment Type: Control Recapitalizations  Business Services
              Investment Type: Control Recapitalizations
              EBITDA: $7 to $20 million                                 Healthcare Services
          Geography: United Stateseography: United States
          G   Geography: United States
              Investment Type: Control Recapitalizations                Business Services
              Geography: United States
              The Bow River Approach
          The Bow River Approachhe Bow River Approach
              Bow  River  Capital  has  developed a  comprehensive  strategy  that  seeks  to  effectively  identify,  execute,  and  close
          B   transactions. We apply an extensive due diligence process to every investment yet lean on our experience to ensure we
          Bow  River  Capital  has  developed a  comprehensive  strategy  that  seeks  to  effectively  identify,  execute,  and  close ow  River  Capital  has  developed a  comprehensive  strategy  that  seeks  to  effectively  identify,  execute,  and  close
              The Bow River Approach
          t transactions. We apply an extensive due diligence process to every investment yet lean on our experience to ensure we ransactions. We apply an extensive due diligence process to every investment yet lean on our experience to ensure we
              align with the most promising investment opportunities. We value our relationship with management teams and seek to
          align with the most promising investment opportunities. We value our relationship with management teams and seek to n with the most promising investment opportunities. We value our relationship with management teams and seek to
          alig form long-term partnerships where we serve as a value-added resource.
          form long-term partnerships where we serve as a value-added resource.orm long-term partnerships where we serve as a value-added resource.
              Bow  River  Capital  has  developed a  comprehensive  strategy  that  seeks  to  effectively  identify,  execute,  and  close
              transactions. We apply an extensive due diligence process to every investment yet lean on our experience to ensure we
              align with the most promising investment opportunities. We value our relationship with management teams and seek to
              form long-term partnerships where we serve as a value-added resource.
                         Partnership                  Value Creation                   Experience
                   We provide dedicated support to   Drive growth through a focus on   We lean on our expertise and
                                                                                         Experience perience
                      Partnership artnership
                                                     Value Creationalue Creation
                      portfolio companies and      organizational development,    diverse backgrounds to guide
                                                                                    We lean on our expertise and e lean on our expertise and
                       management teams
               We provide dedicated support to e provide dedicated support to   Drive growth through a focus on rive growth through a focus on   final investment decisions
                                                 D expansion of products and services,
                  portfolio companies and rtfolio companies and
                  po                              o and inorganic strategies        di
                                                                                    diverse backgrounds to guide verse backgrounds to guide
                                                  organizational development, rganizational development,
                                               expansion of products and services, pansion of products and services,
                    man                        ex                                    final investment decisionsinal investment decisions
                    management teamsagement teams
                          Partnership               and inorganic strategiesnd inorganic strategies  Experience
                                                           Value Creation
                   We provide dedicated support to    Drive growth through a focus on      We lean on our expertise and
                      portfolio companies and          organizational development,         diverse backgrounds to guide
                        management teams             expansion of products and services,   Flexibility
                                                                                            final investment decisions
                                                         and inorganic strategies
                    Focus on management owned      Thematic investment focus     We are nimble and can respond
                   businesses and invest in common   informed by our experience and   quickly to investment opportunities
                  equity alongside management teams  industry and market research  that align with our approach
                F Focus on management owned ocus on management owned   Thematic investment focus hematic investment focus   We are nimble and can respond e are nimble and can respond
                                                                                  quickly to investment opportunities ckly to investment opportunities
               businesses and invest in common inesses and invest in common
               bus                               informed by our experience and nformed by our experience and   qui
              equity alongside management teamsquity alongside management teams
              e                                   industry and market researchdustry and market research  that align with our approachhat align with our approach
                           Alignment                           Focus                             Flexibility
                        205 DETROIT STREET SUITE 800    |    DENVER, CO 80206    |    P: 303.861.8466    |    BOWRIVERCAPITAL.COM
                    Focus on management owned           Thematic investment focus         We are nimble and can respond
                   businesses and invest in common    informed by our experience and    quickly to investment opportunities
                  equity alongside management teams    industry and market research        that align with our approach
                    205 DETROIT STREET SUITE 800    |    DENVER, CO 80206    |    P: 303.861.8466    |    BOWRIVERCAPITAL.COM DETROIT STREET SUITE 800    |    DENVER, CO 80206    |    P: 303.861.8466    |    BOWRIVERCAPITAL.COM
                         205 DETROIT STREET SUITE 800    |    DENVER, CO 80206    |    P: 303.861.8466    |    BOWRIVERCAPITAL.COM
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