Page 78 - TACC 2023 Program
P. 78
CenterGate Capital is a private equity firm focused on creating value for its
stakeholders and investors by proactively partnering with management.
Helping Companies Bridge to Tomorrow
We bring a balance of financial and operational
Capital experience and strategic insight to assist
management in driving long-term sustainable
growth in lower middle market companies.
O Ovveerrvviieeww I Innvveessttmmeenntt CCrriitteerriiaa
$ $774400MM $ $55 -- $$3300MM EEBBIITTDDAA
assets under management target range for platform investments
C Coonnttrrooll G Geenneerraalliisstt
focus on control equity investments opportunistic, looking for companies with
a sustainable competitive advantage
P Paarrttnneerrsshhiipp
prefer to partner with management and U Unniitteedd SSttaatteess && CCaannaaddaa
align interest with all stakeholders geographic focus
H Haannddss--OOnn C Coommpplleexxiittyy
actively assist management in driving do not shy away from complicated
growth and operational improvements situations
Jason Apple Gregory Boyer
[email protected] [email protected]
O: 512-717-6096 O: 512-717-6095
M: 312-925-2488 M: 201-665-4279