Page 9 - TACC 2023 Program
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                                                        20TH ANNUAL ACG CAPITAL CONNECTION

   Considerations around potential exit strategies for founder-

   owned businesses in 2024 and beyond

                                  aby boomers      an investor. With full liquidity, the complete change   growth or when interest rates are low.
                                  account for      in ownership control can be represented in a cash/
                            Bapproximately         stock deal or an asset purchase. In partial business     •   In an ESOP, or employee stock ownership
                             21% of the U.S.       transactions, the company’s owner remains involved   plan, part or all of the company ownership
                             population — and      in the operations to some extent. The owner might   goes to its employees. This route can provide
                             70% of baby boomer    be able create a liquidity event and monetize their   tax advantages for the business owner while
                             business owners       investment partially while benefi tting from potential   allowing employees to be invested in the
                             will be retiring in the   future growth, along with the investor.        company. The potential downsides of ESOPs
                             coming years. Baby                                                       include that an ESOP cannot pay above fair
                             boomers own millions   Selling to a Strategic vs. Financial Buyer        market value; they have complex operating
                             of businesses, many   When considering the type of outside buyer who     rules; and they attract regulatory scrutiny, which
                             of which are middle   might be best for an exit strategy, two options are   can lead to risk of penalties.
    KAREL LOUMAN             market companies.     strategic buyers and fi nancial buyers. Strategic
    Managing Director,       What will happen      buyers are interested in the long-term benefi ts of   With the expectation that middle market M&A
                                                                                                   activity will continue to rise in 2024 and beyond,
    Head of Financial        when a large wave     the company fi tting into their own business plan.   it’s important for business owners to work with
    Sponsors, Texas          of boomers retire,    They are more likely to aim for a 100% stake in the   a professional advisor who has deep industry
    Capital                  and many of those     company. Financial buyers, often private equity fi rms   expertise. Middle market companies often need a
                             businesses suddenly   or family o  ces, are more interested in the potential   unique approach in fi nding the right exit strategy,
                             fl ood the market? And   fi nancial return achievable by buying the company   and an advisor can carry out a specialized plan to
   do these business owners have an exit strategy in   or a controlling stake. They might be buying into the   help business owners achieve their goals.
   place?                                          company’s expected future earnings and often want
                                                   the current team to continue to run operations.  Trading in securities and fi nancial instruments,
   Many of them don’t, which could mean they                                                       strategic advisory and other investment banking
   won’t be able to extract the value they want in an   Other Alternatives                         activities are performed by TCBI Securities, Inc.,
   oversaturated M&A climate in an unpredictable     •   In a management buyout (MBO), a company’s   doing business as Texas Capital Securities. TCBI
   economy. That’s why it’s important for owners       current management team acquires the        Securities, Inc. is a member of FINRA and SIPC
   of middle market companies to consider these        business by buying out the founding owner,   and has registered with the SEC and other state
   potential exit strategies in order to maintain the   usually with the backing of a third-party capital   securities regulators as a broker dealer. TCBI
   value and legacy of their business. Here are some   provider, and continues to run operations.  Securities, Inc. is a subsidiary of Texas Capital
   potential exit strategies to consider:                                                          Bancshares, Inc., the parent company of Texas
                                                     •   Leveraged recapitalizations convert an    Capital Bank. Securities and other investment
   Full vs. Partial Liquidity                          owner’s equity to debt and use the proceeds   products o ered by TCBI Securities are not
   Full liquidation of a business entails a 100%       to buy back shares or a dividend. This strategy   FDIC insured, may lose value and are not bank
   complete sale of the company ownership, sold to     can be used in preparation for company      guaranteed.

   Why I’m feeling considerable tailwinds, while many currently

   feel headwinds.

                                 ometimes I        tailwinds out there right now for Interim in    everyone for years, and simultaneously watching
                                 can’t contain     particular and there is no sign of slowdown for   the Interim talent base continue to explode into
                            Smy emotions.          the next 3-5 years. Things are just getting heated   the millions as people really enjoy this alternative
                            Especially when        up for Interim, especially in the U.S. I am actually   means of employment, and 2) they are starting to
                            it comes to            being super genuine in my mission to educate    fi gure out that not all positions they desire to fi ll
                            talking about all      everyone and anyone about one big fact:the     have to be performed on a full-time basis, which
                            things Interim.        traditional workforce is rapidly changing.Being   has typically always been the case. Smart and
                            My excitement          fl ipped on its head a bit actually. And that alone is   strategic companies have fi gured out that some
                            in conversation        the reason for great excitement!               specifi c duties and responsibilities of positions
                            generally oozes        Disruption is good. The days of a company       can be performed over a few months at a time and
                            industry optimism,     exclusively managing its workforce through      there’s no real need to fi ll the seat permanently
    MARK VINER              which can cause        internal hiring are over. Please, someone, tell   year-round. Ah, cost savings in comparison to
    President Interim       people to look         me, how exactly are they going to do that (i.e.,   having the full-time FTE (that you can’t readily fi nd
                            at me kind of
    Solutions, ZRG          funny sometimes        hire and access talent up and down the line the   quickly anyway).
    Partners                                       way they always have), particularly in the face
                            - especially during    of the lowest recorded unemployment level that   And...what’s permanent now anyway? In the same
                            times like this        anybody reading this has ever seen and alsoan   PwC report which projects the massive worker
                            when everyone is       incredible global worker shortage that is predicted   shortage, they also predict that24% of all U.S.
   questioning what’s going on with the economy    by PwC to reach 85 million people over the next   employees will change jobs in 2024. Read that
   and the labor markets. Or, more likely, I’m looked   several years?Read that again...that is the size of   again....24%!!! Again...same question as above...
   at with skepticism. It’s a crappy labor market.   Germany!                                      how are companies going to deal with that sort
   Everything in the economy is unsettled right now.                                               of continuing workforce change thrust upon them
   Companies are laying o . They don’t appear to be   Very often, to manage their workforces,     with so much, what, weekly, employee turnover?
   hiring at the pace they’ve hired in the past. “Mark,   companies are now accessing dedicated and
   why are you so excited? You’re not being genuine   experienced Interim talent to plug in and help   It’s go time for Interim. The core Interim business
   and truthful. There are considerable headwinds   get things done, especially with traditional perm   model was purposely constructed to counterattack
   out there right now”.                           hiring being so challenging right now. Companies   these challenging market forces. Seen this coming
                                                   have realized 1) something has to give in terms of   for a long time. Only took a pandemic to kick it
   No, there’s not. Conversely, there are considerable   the real labor shortage that will continue to a ect   into high gear.
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