Page 4 - TACC 2023 Program
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     Antitrust Enforcers Rea  rm Focus on Private Equity in

     Healthcare at Public Workshop

                                                                                                  engagement. The speakers asserted that a private
                                                                                                  equity company’s short-term investment horizon,
                                                                                                  sometimes no more than fi ve to seven years away,
                                                                                                  creates an undue focus on short-term profi ts and
                                                                                                  the payment of dividends to investors, and this
                                                                                                  can lead to reduced investments in patient care
                                                                                                  and endanger the long-term stability of acquired
                                                                                                  healthcare providers.
                                                                                                  From a competition perspective, Khan and Kanter
                                                                                                  both celebrated their work to unwind interlocking
                                                                                                  directorates, where private equity companies
     DAVID C. KULLY         KENNETH                BILL KATZ              ANNA P. HAYES           might have representatives on boards of
     Partner, Holland &     RACOWSKI               Partner, Holland &     Associate, Holland &    competing providers, which the speakers view as
     Knight                 Partner, Holland &     Knight                 Knight                  potentially reducing competition between those
                            Knight                                                                providers. Khan and Kanter also referred again to
                                                                                                  the strategy of serial acquisitions, or “roll-ups,” of
                                                                                                  a number of small providers that, before the 2023
                                                                                                  revised Merger Guidelines allowed consideration
           s Holland & Knight observed previously,   Neronha in a “fi reside chat” to discuss Neronha’s
           the Biden Administration’s antitrust    experiences related to the 2021 sale of Prospect   of the cumulative e ect of proposed deals, had
     Aenforcers have trained their sights          Medical, an investor-owned healthcare system, by   historically sidestepped antitrust review. Blum
     on private equity fi rms and their portfolio   private equity fi rm Leonard Green & Partners.  also noted that consolidation has caused rising
     companies, including in a Sept. 21, 2023, lawsuit                                            costs for CMS (Medicare/Medicaid) and explained
     challenging one private equity fi rm’s “roll-up” of   A signifi cant theme of the workshop focused   that CMS is working with the agencies to share
     anesthesiology practices in Texas. The agencies   on how participants believe private equity   data in an e ort to understand the impacts of
     took a more measured approach on March 5,     investments reduced quality of care and        consolidation.
     2024, when the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)   worsened outcomes for patients. Certain      Kanter, Slaughter and FTC Commissioner Alvaro
     hosted a public workshop to examine the role   concerns were unrelated to any possible impact   Bedoya each mentioned the joint FTC/DOJ/HHS
     of private equity investment in the healthcare   on market concentration or competition. For   Request for Information issued earlier in the day.
     industry. But the message from the workshop   instance, speakers expressed concern about     The RFI seeks public comments on healthcare
     remains unchanged: The antitrust agencies see   how fi nancial motivations of private equity   industry transactions – both reportable and not
     private equity as infl uencing healthcare in a   companies can undercut incentives to provide   reported under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act –
     number of ways they regard to be worrying and   high-quality patient care, especially if the complex   involving private payers, private equity fi rms and
     worthy of continued close scrutiny.           corporate structures of private equity companies   other alternative asset managers. The agencies
                                                   prevent regulators and the general public from   will accept comments until May 6, 2024.
     The workshop began with opening remarks by    understanding who might possess a fi nancial
     FTC Chair Lina Khan, U.S. Department of Justice   interest in any particular healthcare system   This workshop and the joint request for public
     (DOJ) Antitrust Division Assistant Attorney General   or provider. This issue was raised repeatedly,   comments confi rm that private equity, particularly
     Jonathan Kanter, U.S. Department of Health and   particularly with regard to ownership of nursing   in the healthcare fi eld, will continue to be highly
     Human Services (HHS) Inspector General Christi   homes, hospices and managed care organizations   scrutinized, not only by the FTC and DOJ in
     Grimm and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid     and the special need for accountability to     antitrust-related actions, but also by other federal
     Services (CMS) Principal Deputy Administrator   ensure the safety of patients in those systems.   and state governmental bodies concerned with
     and Chief Operating O  cer Jonathan Blum. The   Another issue speakers raised as unique to   fraud and abuse, consumer protection and the
     workshop then turned to several moderated     the private equity model was the practice of   provision of healthcare services to the public.
     discussions including agency o  cials, healthcare   encumbering providers with the responsibility   Holland & Knight’s Antitrust Team is available to
     workers, and scholars. To conclude the workshop,   to service large amounts of debt. A fi nal issue   discuss questions about the antitrust agencies’
     FTC Commissioner Rebecca Kelly Slaughter      discussed repeatedly in the workshop was the   concerns about private equity and how it might
     engaged Rhode Island Attorney General Peter   short-term nature of a private equity fi rm’s typical   impact your businesses.

                   TEXAS EVENTS YOU CAN’T MISS

     ACG Houston Deal of the Year Awards            Craft Beer Bonanza                             2024 Wine Tasting and DealSource
     April 24      Houston Country Club             May 7      On the Levee, Dallas                Sept. 18      Frontiers of Flight Museum, Dallas

                                                                                                          INDUSTRIALS & ENERGY

     Fort Worth Casino Night                        11  Annual Private Equity                      ACG Houston Industrials
     April 25      The Marq, Southlake              Two-Step Conference                            and Energy Uncorked
                                                    May 9      San Antonio Country Club            Oct. 9      The Revaire, Houston
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