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     Middle Market M&A 2024 Update: What Do We See Today?

                                t was a tough      valuations resulted in fewer companies         After its December 2023 FOMC meeting,
                                year in 2023       wanting to transact in 2023, with companies    the Federal Reserve forecasted it would
                             Ifor the US M&A       instead opting to wait for higher valuations.   make three quarter-point cuts by the end
                              Market for most      These factors created a not so favorable       of 2024 which would imply lowering the
                              intermediaries,      environment for M&A opportunities in 2023.     benchmark federal funds rate to 4.5%-4.75%.
                              investment                                                          In this December meeting, the FOMC also
                              bankers, strategic   However, the higher interest rate environment   provided a forecast of the target range for
                              buyers, and private   is now baked into the economy, and several    the federal funds rate from 2023 through
                              equity. Although     new considerations are now visible. We         2026. A majority of the FOMC participants
                                                   now see some positive signs that M&A
                              deal activity        opportunities appear ready to start moving     believed the federal funds rate will be
                              remained higher      again.                                         below 5% sometime during 2024. For 2024
     CHIN YU                  than its historic low                                               through 2026, the FOMC forecasted a steady
                              in 2020, deal flow
     Advisory Partner         slowed drastically,   When the Federal Reserve stopped raising      decrease in the federal funds rate, marching
                                                                                                  the benchmark rate downward below 4%.
                                                   interest rates in July of 2023, this implied the
     in Charge, Calvetti      falling 34% year-    worst was now over, signaling a semblance of   Some FOMC participants believed it will drop
     Ferguson                 over-year.           stability. Similarly, by the end of the second   below 3%.
                                                   quarter of 2023, inflation had fallen from 9.1%
                              The main reason—     a year earlier down to 3.0% as of June 2023.   However, expectations could change if
     the Federal Reserve raised the federal funds                                                 inflation does not continue falling toward
     rate 11 times between March 2022 and July     So, where do we stand on the fight against     2%. If inflation stays the same, the Federal
     2023 from 0.25-0.5% to 5.25-5.5%, the         inflation? Inflation has come down significantly   Reserve may keep interest rates unchanged.
     highest rate in over 20 years. The Federal    to 3.4% in December 2023 since the peak        And if inflation starts to move upward, the
     Reserve raised the federal funds rate to      of 9.1% in June 2022. The actions of the       Federal Reserve could actually begin raising
     manage rising inflation in the US after it had   Federal Reserve cut inflation almost in half.   interest rates again.
     spiked from 1.2% as of December 2020 to a     Meanwhile, the federal funds rate appears to
     peak of 9.1% as of June 2022. The last time   have plateaued at 5.25-5.50%. The Federal      In the US, the economic outlook appears
     the US saw this level of inflation was in 1981,   Reserve now has ample ammunition with      more positive at the start of 2024 compared
     over 40 years ago.                            their ability to stimulate the US Economy      to a year ago, and all signs appear to point
                                                   with interest rate cuts or bring the economy   to more M&A activity in 2024 versus 2023.
     This dramatic increase in the federal funds   in for a “soft landing.” At a minimum, the     The possibility of lower interest rates, stable
     rate had a trickle-down effect on the cost of   Federal Reserve can mitigate the impact of   GDP growth, low unemployment, and lower
     capital for both debt and equity. When the    a recession should one materialize. Keep in    inflation show positive trends that would likely
     federal funds rate increased, this placed     mind, the Federal Reserve increased interest   increase M&A deal velocity in the US. Are
     upward pressure on lending rates, making      rates not to simply fight inflation, but to    we going to see an increase in the number
     borrowing more expensive. The higher cost     prevent or mitigate a potential recession. As   of M&A deals in 2024 at levels similar or
     of capital required a higher rate of return   2024 progresses, if inflation stays in check,   better than in 2021? Probably not. However, it
     on investments, resulting in downward         we may avoid a recession or get a soft         appears M&A activity for 2024 is poised to be
     pressure on company valuations. Lower         landing.                                       better than 2023.

     The Power of the Process - for the Business Owner

                                   very week,      By exercising the M&A market, the business     Confidentiality is one of the most important
                                   business        owner knows how real buyers value their        considerations.
                             Eowners               company in today’s market.  They can see       Always use a good NDA and multiple steps in the
                              receive calls        di erent types of deals and structures - and   process before providing sensitive information
                              and emails from      pick the one that is best for them.  By always   to the prospective buyers.  Never post anything
                              someone saying       having alternative buyers, the seller maintains   on the internet and never post on buy/sell
                              they want to buy     strength and control in the process - and can
                              their company.       dictate the timing.                            sites.  That is the fastest way to let employees,
                                                                                                  customers and competitors know that the
                              If a buyer can                                                      company is for sale.  Keep competitors at arm’s
                              connect without      Preparation is the key to a good sell-side     length until a baseline deal is on the table.  Then
                              an M&A advisor       process.                                       consider if a competitor can beat that deal.  Be
     DAN VERMEIRE             involved, then       The process only works if there is good        prepared and move quickly through the M&A
     Managing Director        they can control     preparation, including a good book (aka CIM    process so that even with a leak, the deal can be
                                                   – Confi dential Information Memorandum) that
                              the narrative and
     & Principal, CFA                              answers the buyers’ questions before they      completed before there can be any damage.
     Worldwide                hopefully get a
                              good deal.  That’s   ask them.  The process also needs a well-      Final Thoughts
                              great for the Buyer.   researched list of potential buyers that covers   Every business owner deserves to have a
                                                   several di erent sectors and includes both
     But how do we get a good deal for the Seller?    strategic and fi nancial buyers.  Most sellers do   successful transaction and realize their dreams
     The Sell-Side M&A Process is built exactly for   not know for sure what type of deal is best until   – whether that is to enjoy retirement, or to
     that.                                         they see their options.  Often, the best choice is   recapitalize with a fi nancial partner and enjoy

     Having one buyer is having no buyer.          not the buyer that you think it will be.       the next chapter.  By acting proactively, rather
                                                                                                  than reactively, the M&A process can provide a
     The power of the M&A process is in getting    With these two things in hand, the process can   powerful tool to achieve these goals.  Talk to an
     multiple o ers on the table, at the same time.    run quickly and smoothly.                 investment banker at CFAW to learn more.
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