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                                                        20TH ANNUAL ACG CAPITAL CONNECTION

      CHAIRMAN’S LETTER                                                   COMMITTEE

      For two decades, Texas ACG Capital Connection “TACC” has            TACC CHAIRS                               ACG LEADERSHIP
      been the most significant private equity and debt capital event
      in Texas and the Southwest. The Texas market is increasing and                        SPONSORSHIP             ACG DFW
      not slowing down, so it’s fitting that as one of the largest and                      Paul Gautier            Jennifer Cuello
      most prestigious ACG Capital Connections in the country, TACC                         Cary Street Partners    Chapter President
      welcomes more than 100 private equity and mezzanine firms,                            Doug Janowski           Brittany Timmerman
                                                                                            Lazear Capital
      over 50 investment banking firms, and 80 plus lending                                                         Executive Director
      organizations to the Lone Star State, representing more than                          INVESTMENT BANK         Tommie Hollingsworth
      $100 billion of capital available in one room.                                        Ross Mesquita           Events Manager
                                                                          CHAIR             ZRG Partners            Erika McLeod
      We are thrilled to celebrate 20   scheduling tool than years        Tony Banks        PRIVATE EQUITY          Membership and
                                                                                                                    Marketing Manager
      years of Texas being the go-to   past. We also have solidified      RSM US LLP        EXHIBITORS
      state for deal flow, networking,   the event as two days, so every                    John Romney             ACG AUSTIN / SAN ANTONIO
      and business development.       individual can maximize their                         Romney Capital, LLC     Rachael Wyatt
                                                                                                                    Chapter President
      As our 20th Anniversary, we     time spent in Texas.                                  KICKOFF LUNCHEON        Venturi Private Wealth
      are honored to celebrate each   See you in Dallas!                                    Gemma Descoteaux        Sara Singer
      and every attendee, and look                                                          SheppardMullin          Executive Director
      forward to helping with growth                                                        FACILITIES              ACG HOUSTON
      of your business.                                                                     Scott Simmons           Jessica Seff
                                                                                                                    Chapter President
      We are continuing to grow       Tony Banks                          CO-CHAIR          BOK Financial           Statesman Business Advisors
      and evolve as the business                                          Dan Vermeire      TREASURER               Morgan Stone
      climate does, and in doing so,                                      Corporate Finance   Matt Klauser          Executive Director
      we have a better ACG Access                                                                                   Jacy Luedde
                                                                                                                    Chapter Manager

     Data Analytics - Do A Better Deal

                               f you have been     What roadblocks have you experienced during a   changes from commodity costs vs. changes from
                               involved in M&A     potential M&A transaction?  Perhaps as a buyer   product category mix.
                             Itransactions, even   you have struggled to confi rm your investment
                              on the periphery,    thesis or understand how or where the seller   Given the data challenges, we obtained the bill
                              you have likely      makes money.  Or as a seller, you received     of materials by SKU and annual raw materials
                              heard the term       requests that seemed cumbersome due to fi le    cost to develop material costs by SKU from
                              data analytics.  Or   sizes, system limitations, or even requests that   scratch.  This was then applied to the invoicing
                              perhaps you have     you would like to fulfi ll but had to tell the buyer   register, allowing us to quantify the impact of
                              heard discussion     “we cannot get you that data”.  Data analytics   movements in material margin from commodity
                              regarding a data     is designed to help solve these problems, and   costs vs. product category mix (at the SKU level).
                              cube.  But unless    along the way results in outputs that buyers and   Ultimately, the buyer was able to use this analysis
                              you are a data       sellers can use to help facilitate a transaction,   to evaluate the business under various potential
     MATHEW                   junkie (admittedly,   including: price/volume analysis, employee
     KLAUSER                  I work with several   utilization, customer churn and retention/ARR,   commodity cost scenarios.
     Partner, FORVIS          of those!), you may   project estimating accuracy, payor reimbursement   In summary, data analytics assists buyers and
                              not have explored    trends, commodity pricing, and margins by      sellers by minimizing surprises and identifying
                              these further or     product/customer.                              and synthesizing issues early, leading to
                              taken the time to                                                   increased buyer confi dence and seller credibility.
     understand exactly what was meant by these    So, what does this look like in the real world?    It allows for an objective analysis of the business,
     terms.  In this article, we discuss the background   On a recent transaction in the plastic products   which may lead to an acceleration of transaction
     of data analytics and a case study of the value it   manufacturing industry, the target experienced   timeline.  Finally, data analytics may assist
     provides.                                     commodity cost changes that were not passed    sellers with increased awareness of critical deal
                                                   through to customers, creating fl uctuations in
     Data analytics utilizes client and publicly available   material margins.  The target was able to provide   components and decision points.  If you have
     datasets to create analysis-ready databases   standard gross margin by SKU, but not material   struggled articulating your business to buyers (or
     or stand-alone analytics/outputs that facilitate   margin.  The target had been experiencing a   understanding the fi nancials of a seller beyond a
     quicker and more supported decision making.  A   shift in product mix category, with its primary   basic income statement or balance sheet), data
     variety of processing tools are used to achieve   category having the highest material margin.  As   analytics may be the key to providing deeper
     these objectives, including Alteryx, Tableau, and   a result, changes in material margins present in   insights and bridging the gap between buyer and
     SQL databases.                                the fi nancial statements could not be isolated to   seller expectations.
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