Page 5 - TACC 2023 Program
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                                                        20TH ANNUAL ACG CAPITAL CONNECTION

   ESOP Succession in a World of Mergers and Acquisitions

                                  here are four   What two important tax benefits did              shareholder, the ESOP trust.  Shares are
                                  primary exit   Congress give to ESOP’s?                          allocated to employees per the plan design and
                             Tstrategies                                                           shares are held in their name in trust for their
                             for most business   One, if an owner sells to their employees via an   retirement.  Therefore, employees cannot see
                             owners.  Family     ESOP, they can receive proceeds from the sale     fi nancial information; sell the company; or make
                             succession,         of the business tax-free, eliminating the need to   management decisions.  Studies prove ESOP-
                             management          pay any Capital Gains taxes on the proceeds. This   ownership has an immediate, positive impact on
                             buy-out, third      means owners in Texas will receive 20% more of the   retention; lowers employee attrition; increases
                             party sale (private   proceeds after-tax by electing a 1042 exchange. In   productivity; and are more resilient.
                             equity or strategic   other states, the tax savings will be even higher.
                             buyer) and ESOP     Two, under ESOP/S-Corp ownership, the company     What is my role as an owner?
                             succession.         will not pay any federal or state income taxes (in   For many owners, the ideal retirement time frame
     DOUG JANOWSKI           However, an ESOP    most states) going forward.  This is because the   is still fi ve to ten years away and they have plans
     Managing Director,      is the one least    company’s earnings are fl owing directly into a    for the business, along with concerns for the
     Lazear Capital          understood by       Qualifi ed Retirement Plan (the ESOP).  Similar to   success and well-being of their team who helped
     Partners                owners, yet is a    401K’s which do not pay income taxes or cap gains,   bring their vision to life.  However, there is also
                             universal buyer     nor does a company whose stock is 100% owned      need to separate personal fi nancial success and
                             for almost any      by an ESOP.  Taxes are paid by employees as they   family/wealth/estate planning from the business’
    profi table, successful company.              retire and receive funds – just like a 401K plan.  fi nances in the short-term.  In an ESOP, the owner
    At the highest level, an ESOP is a tax-      How much does an ESOP pay an owner                can stay involved in the business directly as CEO
                                                                                                   or indirectly as Chairman of the Board.  The biggest
    advantaged structure created by Congress     for their company?                                concern is being sure the company has the right
    with the Employer Retirement Income                                                            team and plan in place to meet the company’s
    Security Act (ERISA) of 1974.  The goal was   An Independent Trustee and the Trustee’s valuation   forecast and future earnings.
    to encourage owners to consider selling      fi rm will negotiate the full fair market value for
    their companies to their employees versus    the company.  There is not a profi t-motive for the   ESOPs can be a tremendous succession strategy;
    an outside buyer.  There were several        Trustee.  They have a fi duciary responsibility to   delivering value to everyone involved in the
    reasons for these incentives – to create     represent the employees.  In doing so, they want   organization and surrounding community. While no
    more business owners (often 100’s to         to fi nd the full fair value and see the successful   one can say whether an ESOP structure is the right
    1,000’s of new employee-owners at a time);   creation of an employee-owned company.            solution for every owner or company, it is always
    to provide more retirement savings for       Who owns the company going forward?               worth taking the time to understand if this structure
    employees; to reduce taxes; and to help                                                        might be the best option for meeting the owner,
    keep communities intact.                     In a 100% ESOP structure, there is only one       management and company’s objectives.

    Financial KPIs to Keep Track of in 2024

                              n the ever-evolving   capital expenditures. A high ROI means investment   changes) and adjusting business strategies accordingly
                              landscape of         gains compare favorably to their cost, signifying   can help manage the impact of economic fl uctuations.
                            Ibusiness and          favorable allocation of resources.             Strategies to mitigate these risks include diversifying
                             fi nance, staying    3.  Operating Cash Flow: This KPI measures the cash   income streams, maintaining a healthy cash reserve,
                             ahead involves        generated by a company’s regular business operations.   and regularly reviewing/adjusting fi nancial forecasts
                             understanding         Positive operating cash fl ow indicates that a company   and budgets.
                             the current trends    can generate more cash than it spends. During
                             and predicting        volatile market conditions, a strong operating cash   1. Technological Disruptions: The rapid pace of
                             future changes. It is   fl ow indicates a company’s ability to maintain stability   technological advancement can lead to signifi cant
                             increasingly critical   and invest in growth. Companies can improve their   industry shifts, creating new competitors and changing
                             for businesses to     operating cash fl ow by enhancing revenue streams,   customer expectations. Businesses should invest
                             monitor Financial KPIs   managing inventory more e  ciently, and optimizing AP   in continuous innovation and technology upgrades.
     SANA                    (Key Performance      and AR.                                           For instance, adopting new fi nancial management
     SUNDRANI                Indicators) to ensure                                                   software can improve e  ciency and accuracy in
     Partner, NOW CFO        they are on the right   4.  Debt-to-Equity Ratio: This ratio measures the degree   tracking KPIs.
                                                   to which a company fi nances its operations through
                             track towards fi scal   debt versus wholly-owned funds. An optimal debt-to-  2.  Regulatory Changes: Changes in laws and
                             health and prosperity.   equity ratio will vary by industry. In general, a lower   regulations can impact various aspects of a business,

    The Most Important Financial KPIs of 2024      ratio is preferable as it indicates less risk. Companies   including fi nancial practices, reporting requirements,
                                                                                                     and operational compliance. Companies should invest
                                                   with high debt-to-equity ratios may struggle  during
    1.   Net Profi t Margin: Calculated as net income   economic downturns as they must service their debt   in robust compliance programs, train sta  regularly,
      divided by revenue, this KPI shows what      regardless of operating performance.              and seek advice from legal and fi nancial experts to
      percentage of each dollar earned translates into                                               ensure compliance and minimize risk.
      profi t. With increasing economic uncertainties and   5.  Current Ratio: The current ratio is a liquidity ratio that   3.  Market Competition: Intense competition can
      varying consumer behaviors, companies need to   measures a company’s ability to pay short-term and   pressure prices, profi t margins, and market share,
      focus on both increasing revenues and e  ciently   long-term obligations. A ratio above 1 indicates that   directly impacting KPIs. Businesses must di erentiate
      managing expenses. Optimizing supply chains,   the company has more current assets than current   their products or services, improve customer
      investing in cost-e ective technologies, and   liabilities, indicating good fi nancial health. A strong   experience, and identify niche markets to stay ahead.
                                                   current ratio will be particularly important to manage
      targeting high-margin products or services can   unexpected expenses or economic downturns.    Regular market analysis and competitor research can
      help businesses enhance this KPI.            Improving this ratio by managing inventories more   help businesses make informed strategic decisions.
    2.  Return on Investment (ROI): ROI measures   e ectively, speeding up receivables, and managing   4.  Cybersecurity Risks: Data integrity and security are
      the profi tability and e  ciency of an investment,   payables strategically.                   crucial for maintaining the accuracy and reliability of
      calculated by dividing the net gain from an                                                    fi nancial reporting. It is essential to invest in robust
      investment by its cost. ROI helps businesses   Threats to be Aware Of                          cybersecurity measures, including secure data
      evaluate the e ectiveness of their investment   Economic Fluctuations: Keeping an eye on economic   management practices, regular security audits, and
      decisions (e.g., in marketing campaigns, R&D, or   indicators (e.g., infl ation rates and interest rate   continuous employee training.
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