Page 108 - TACC 2023 Program
P. 108

F R E E ST O N E   P AR T N E R S ,   L L C

        About Freestone

        Freestone Partners  has helped  management teams
        achieve extraordinary growth since 2001. We offer an
        entrepreneurial environment  where  companies  can
        prosper. Our  secret?  We know people perform best
        when they share in the profit and have the latitude to
        achieve their goals.

        Our Business Philosophy

        We believe value is created by delivering excellence in
        four key fundamentals: a sound investment process, solid
        management, viable business strategies, and outstanding
        operating execution.
        Working in Partnership

        In the end, it is always about people.  No company or
        transaction is successful without people; success is more
        about the  people  than  the deal.   We  typically make
        majority interest investments and serve on the board of
        directors.  Recognizing each of us has unique abilities, we
        contribute our  skills  and encourage our  management
        partners to use their skills to achieve our common goals.

        Why Freestone Partners?

        We bring  an experienced  investment team  with  high
        ethical standards and integrity to our companies.  We
        practice a “management first” philosophy because we
        know  management’s involvement in the investment
        process reduces risk.  We are creative thinkers who can
        transform   ordinary   deals   into   extraordinary
        opportunities, and we  support our  companies until  a
        successful exit.
           W Wee  vvaalluuee  mmoorree  tthhaann  tthhee  ttrraannssaaccttiioonn..

               W Wee  vvaalluuee  tthhee  ppeeooppllee  iinnvvoollvveedd..

                     550   P O S T   O A K  B O U L E V A R D           S U I T E  470          H O US TO N ,   T E X A S  7702 7
                                   ( 713)   533   –   1888         WW W . F R EES T O N E P A R T N E R S . CO M
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