Page 103 - TACC 2025 Program
P. 103

Firm Overview                                           Investment Criteria            1

               Skylark Private Equity Partners is a Dallas, Texas based     OW NERSHIP  TYPES
               private equity firm that invests in lower middle market
               companies alongside entrepreneurs in niche business     Businesses seeking first institutional capital partners:
               service, healthcare service, and light manufacturing
               sectors. Skylark’s investment professionals bring       •  Founder or family-led businesses
               decades of experience investing in and operating small   •  Management buyouts
               businesses to drive growth and equity value creation in   •  Corporate carveouts
               partnership with our management teams.

               Skylark makes equity investments in small businesses         COMPANY CHARACTERISTICS
               headquartered across the U.S. Southeast and Sunbelt
               regions. We target control investments – typically
               investing $10MM to $25MM of equity capital, with        EBITDA of $3MM to $12MM
               additional equity capital available from our limited
                                                                       Defensible, high profit margins
               We offer value-added resources to companies that are at   Proven ability to grow organically at least 10%
               an inflection point where the enhancements to the
               executive team, technology and systems, and facility
               infrastructure can accelerate long-term organic growth.   Companies with high job creation capabilities

                                          3811 Turtle Creek Blvd, Suite 1925, Dallas, TX 75219


               Augment the existing leadership team   Introduce and / or upgrade       Create a proactive sales structure and
               with talented and experienced hires  technology systems to enable       processes; track real-time progress of
                                                   scalable growth through enhanced    the sales team
               Clearly define roles throughout the   operating capabilities, additional
               organization and set responsibilities   service offerings, improved customer   Establish a proactive market
               for existing and future personnel   service, and KPI tracking           awareness roadmap and analyze lead
                                                                                       funnel to improve conversion rates
               Coach and mentor existing leadership   Invest in facilities and equipment for
               teams to grow into “next level”     operational efficiency and growth, and   Develop a client service team to
               leaders                             set conditions for scalability across   capture customer feedback and
                                                   the organization                    improve retention

          (1)  Provided herein is a general summary of Skylark's investment criteria for informational purposes only. Investors should review the applicable fund's legal offering documents, which detail
          each fund's investment criteria and restrictions, prior to investing.
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