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           YEAR FOUNDED                 INVESTMENTS                 ASSET VALUE               HEADQUARTERS
                2006                         32                    APPROX. $800M               HOUSTON, TX

         Platform   Partners  is   an  industry   leading
         investment company whose objective is to
         transform middle market businesses into larger,
         strategically  valuable  companies through a
         combination of organic and acquisition growth.

         We are more than a collection of capital, and our
         partner companies are more than a balance sheet.

         We build authentic relationships based on
         shared trust and mutual objectives, through three
         key differentiators.

                 PERPETUAL                           BUY & HOLD                              ALIGNED
         1                                     2                                    3
              CAPITAL MODEL                          PERSPECTIVE                            INCENTIVES

         Ramp-up time is short with no        We manage investments as if           Our management team, as a
         reliance on exit deadlines or        we will own them forever,             group, represents the largest
         drawdowns, which maximizes           allowing us to act as your true       cash  investor  and   equity
         alignment to your long-term          partner every step of the way.        owner in Platform.

                      INVESTMENT CRITERIA                                      INDUSTRY FOCUS

         Company     Revenues: >$15 million                    We are generalists but prefer to invest in companies
         Size:       EBITDA: >$5 million                       that operate in industries where we have prior
                                                               experience or relevant knowledge. Representative
         Investment   $10 - $100 million                       industries include:
         Size:                                                    Business Services
                                                                  Consumer Products & Services
         Targeted    Majority / Significant Minority              Energy
         Ownership:                                               Financial & Insurance Services

                                                                  Industrial Services & Distribution
         Capital     Common Equity / Preferred Equity /
         Structure:  Sub-debt (with minority ownership)           Media
                                                                  Payments
         Typical Use  Buyout / Recap / Growth Capital / CEO-      Retail
         of Proceeds:  led Buy & Builds / Capital Commitment      Telecommunications

        1717 WEST LOOP SOUTH,SUITE 1900  HOUSTON, TX 77027  713.335.2300  WWW.PLATFORMLLC.COM
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