Page 138 - TACC 2023 Program
P. 138

OurOUr OUrOurOUr OUr

                             Growing businesses in Growing businesses in

                  partnership with management.partnership with management.

        McCarthy  Capital  is  a  private-equity  fi rm  focused  on  being  a  value-added  partner  forMcCarthy  Capital  is  a  private-equity  fi rm  focused  on  being  a  value-added  partner  for

        management  teams,  founders  and  families.  We  specialize  in  supporting  management  teams,  who management  teams,  founders  and  families.  We  specialize  in  supporting  management  teams,  who

        retain  operating  control  and  meaningful  ownership,  in  growing  their  business.  We  provide retain  operating  control  and  meaningful  ownership,  in  growing  their  business.  We  provide

        capital,  guidance  and  strategic  resources  to  the  people  and  companies  in  which  we  invest  -  our,  guidance  and  strategic  resources  to  the  people  and  companies  in  which  we  invest  -  our  partners.

                  What sets us apart?What sets us apart?

                      1.  Partnerships that center on supporঞ ng management1.  Partnerships that center on supporঞ ng management

                      2.  A proven, value-added approach to driving growth2.  A proven, value-added approach to driving growth

                      3.  Our experience, values and strong track record3.  Our experience, values and strong track record

                      4.  Flexible capital with a preference to invest in common equity alongside 4.  Flexible capital with a preference to invest in common equity alongside
                         management teams and a willingness to be minority investorsmanagement teams and a willingness to be minority investors

                      5.  Long-term perspecঞ ve and preference for longer investment hold periods5.  Long-term perspecঞ ve and preference for longer investment hold periods

                      6. Limited C nancial leverage and no consulঞ ng fees charged to our por olio 6. Limited C nancial leverage and no consulঞ ng fees charged to our por olio
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