Page 159 - TACC 2023 Program
P. 159
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Who We Are
Route 2 Capital Partners is a private investment firm providing flexible junior capital solutions to lower middle market
companies. Grounded in intellectual honesty and institutional discipline, our team brings extensive investment, transactional and
operational expertise to create strong partnerships with portfolio companies and equity sponsors.
• We prioritize long-term relationships.
• We provide a unique blend of private equity, credit and operational expertise.
• We originate, structure and execute transactions in a thoughtful manner to benefit all parties.
• We move quickly and efficiently during the transaction process.
• We bring tenured experience across a range of investment capital structures.
• We leverage existing industry networks to create value in each company.
Route 2 Capital Partners brings experience, innovation and reliability to each transaction. We understand the importance of providing
capital to our portfolio companies for strategic purposes as they operate and grow through economic cycles.
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