Page 18 - TACC 2025 Program
P. 18
The PE Playbook: Construction – continued
Investors should also consider Silver Spring, Companies in this sector can also charge premium-
Maryland, which was the fastest-growing city in the level prices because industrial construction
US from 2023-2024. Population surged by 12.9% requires specialized knowledge and skills for
year-over-year, which will almost certainly usher in complex work. Additionally, companies can
a new wave of construction projects. focus on specific niches, such as power plants
or manufacturing facilities, and command higher
Public Comparables prices that way.
Generally, the sectors analyzed in our report are Private institutional construction companies are
high performers compared to the industry average seeing the highest rate of average annual growth
across the board. at 71%. Public-use construction projects, including
The commercial segment brings in the most hospital and educational facilities, are on the rise
revenue by a significant margin. With commercial in the US.
projects on the rise in populous states like Healthcare projects, in particular, saw a boost in
California, New York, and Texas, as well as the demand as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
South, this sector is a strong bet for investors.
One caveat is that, though the space continues to Meanwhile, a significant portion of schools in
grow, it sees the second-lowest growth rate of the the US are aging and in need of major repairs
sectors analyzed here. It’s also the smallest of the and renovations. Advances in AI, robotics, and
segments covered. building information modeling (BIM) technology
are also improving overall efficiency in the sector,
Dealmakers specifically interested in high- promoting growth.
growth areas should prioritize the residential and
institutional markets, which see average growth Top Roll-ups
rates of 16.5% and 16.2%, respectively. The The construction industry has seen a significant
institutional sector also has significant overlap with amount of roll-up activity over the past several years.
the commercial space, offering dealmakers an easy
“in” to the top-earning market. API Group and Fidelity Building Services Group lead
the pack with 12 relevant acquisitions each. Most
Private Comparables of API’s acquisitions operate in the commercial,
industrial, and civil & infrastructure sectors. Fidelity
In the private sector, industrial construction
companies bring in the most average revenue by Building Services has primarily targeted commercial
far. Industrial projects typically involve large-scale and industrial construction companies.
infrastructure development, which comes with high
costs for material and labor. This drives up overall
project value and, usually, profit margins.