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           Industrial Opportunity Partners LLC (“IOP”) was founded in 2005 by a group of     IOP OVERVIEW
           like-minded finance and operations executives who came together to build a private
           equity firm centered on a shared passion for the companies that are the backbone
           of our economy – middle market manufacturing and distribution businesses.  Within   $1.5B+ in committed capital
           IOP, we bring together experienced investing professionals with our exclusive and   $1.4B+ portfolio company revenue
           full-time Operating Principals, who partner with management at each platform
           company to create value throughout our investment period. We use a collaborative   5,000+ portfolio company employees
           model for investing in and working with these companies to create value for all   50+ acquisitions in our history
           constituencies- employees, communities, and investors.

                      $50-$500M                          $5-$50M                      $15-$100M

                            REVENUE                          EBITDA                      PER INVESTMENT

                           FOCUS ON INDUSTRIALS                            DEDICATED TO THE MIDDLE MARKET

           •  We are open to any company in manufacturing or distribution,   •  Our platform companies are typically between $50 and $500
              regardless of what they make or ship. Our investments span    million in revenue, with positive EBITDA preferred but not required.
              building products to transportation to consumer goods   Strategic acquisitions for our companies can be any size.
              manufacturing.                                     •  We generally invest between $15 and $100 million, though we
           •  We look for businesses that have defensible market, customer   can make larger investments. We seek to invest in privately held
              and product positions over the long term. We must see clear-cut   companies, corporate divestitures, and restructuring situations.
              potential for operational improvement and/or growth.

                         STEWARDS OF BUSINESSES                            PARTNERSHIP WITH MANAGEMENT

           •  We consider ourselves stewards of companies during our   •  In most cases, our platform companies have strong incumbent
              ownership, with a desire to position them for long-term success.  managers in key functions, though it’s not a requirement.
           •  We seek to fundamentally improve the performance of our   •  We strongly believe that management teams should share in the
              businesses to the benefit of employees, customers, suppliers and   financial success of our investments. Management teams typically
              community, as well as shareholders.                  invest on the same terms as IOP.

                             Craig Korte, Director of Business Development   |  [email protected]   |  847.556.3468
                             Grace Foley, Business Development Associate   |  [email protected]   |  847.556.3463
                   1 6 0 3  ORRINGT ON  A VENUE    |   S U I T E  700   |   EV ANST ON ,  ILLINOIS  6 0 2 0 1    |   WWW . IOPFUND . C OM
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